Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

I am going to miss this little guy! He was in the studio five times this year!! I got to see him every three months starting at birth. This truck was parked behind the studio and I couldn't help but pack him out there in the freezing cold to capture these precious pictures. His mom is up for the way Jamie, I'm thinking "junk yard" for his 2 year old pictures!!:O) Thank you for letting me capture his first year. I love you guys!!!!


  1. how do you out the word arross the picture so people cant take them off your site..can you email me

  2. Oh my gosh!!!! You are so sweet...I just love these pictures! Thank you so much!!! :) Can you print this with your quote at the bottom for his baby book? That would be precious!!! I look forward to the junk yard! Haha! We love you too!
